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Great Products, Great Service and Great Prices For Your Business.
We cater for the needs of businesses and organisations that serve food. We do not deliver to individual consumers.
So if you are a UK based business or organisation, and placing orders with a minimum value of £150/day per order, then we would be delighted to work with you to really understand and support your foodservice needs.

1. Registeration
In first step you have to register with us. Fill out registeration form given below. Our team member will contact you in 24 working hours.

2. Setup & Training
In the second step. We will setup your account and provide you your account login details and Training which includes the way to use our system.

3. Ready For First Order
In the third and last step. You will be ready to play with your account and place your first order via our online platform.
Last but not the least Where We Deliver.
We have Warehouse in Chadderton, Oldham. Deliveries are available from the borders down to Manchester. If you’re unsure whether we can deliver in your area or not, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
- Next? Is Your City/Town.